fish balls    我要挑错精准翻译

食品词典中的关于fish balls的专业释义:

fried fish balls with tomato sauce 茄汁鱼球〔西菜名〕
Fish balls with green vegetables碧绿生鱼球
Frid macao sole fish balls with with vegetable菜胆龙利球
Green fish balls with vegetable heart菜远青衣球
Fish balls with ham and vegetable heart菜远鱼球
Quick-boiled fish balls and bean curd in soup氽鱼腐丸子
Fried macao sole fish balls with bamboo shoots冬笋龙球
Fried fish balls with vegetable挂绿鱼球
Fish balls with spring onion韭黄生鱼球
Fried fish balls in tomato sauce茄汁鱼球
Fish balls in soup上汤鲮鱼角
Sweet and sour fried mandarin fish balls松鼠桂鱼球
Sweet and sour fish balls糖醋鱼球
Fish balls with bamboo shoots鲜笋鱼肉球
Saute green coat fish balls(Hongkong)油泡青衣球
Fish balls鱼丸
Stewed sea cuumber with fish balls鱼圆烧海参

参考词典中fish balls的常规释义:

  • 鱼丸